Say Something
there was so much more to say
and I let the moment slip away
And i was a coward.
I should have just said it all
and been done with it.
I hate carrying it around.
Trying to hold it down.
Trying to seem unaffected
while feeling rejected
to callous touch by soft hands
baby you are so in demand
and you answer every call
but one
but the one you will caress with words
that find no purchase in your actions
“I miss you too”
Burns my screen and my ears
But I don’t let any tears
Because you don’t mean
Those words to which I cleave
Those words which find me wide open
Pulling you deeper still
And you get more than your fill
You take everything
Leaving me void
Because I want to believe
That you aren’t the same deceiver
you deceived her
and I knew it, I watched it
I saw it and I allowed it
And I am her
Feelings and all
Rejecting and all
Affected and all
Being held down
Even when no one is around
By you
By words
By not saying anything
Clorox for the Soul
Writing to cleanse my soul
watch you float down the drain on suds
because I don't do duds
don't do lies and manipulation
but thank you for the elevation
for the sensation of washing a dead layer of life and choices away
so I can transcend you
when I step off this page
all that will be left is your filth
then I'll spray it with the clorox of my tears
and you'll be gone to the abyss where relationships go to die
Everywhere I look I see you
and so I turn to God for eyes that can ignore those sights
and a heart that can withstand the aches
each second I waste takes me two hours to relive the mistakes
three to accept the goodness of you was just one side
flip the coin and find tales to which you put me to sleep
two for the deuce indeed
and I was blissfully deceived and dreamed of a mythical future
and so I turn to God who helps me see that He is the truth and the light
inseparably the alpha and omega of life
the only side of life that is worthy of my gaze
and no more seconds, minutes, hours, or days
will be wasted on fairy tales
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