Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Time Out

It's time for a time out. I'm placing myself in the corner so the I can get work done and stop letting myself get distracted. Now is not the time for people to start trying to enter my life. And it's certainly time for some people to get on out. So this law school thing has a two very hectic and stressful points: the week before a paper is due and the month leading into finals. We are in the month leading to finals and I really have to focus. This means that blazer boy has to be expelled from my mind. So long to you and your lies and manipulation and the good memories that taste sour to my delicate memory buds because you just couldn't be the good man you pretended to be. (release one)

And goodbye to Phat Farm, because I'm not taking on a project to teach a guy etiquette when on dates. I'm pretty sure I don't have time for any projects whatsoever. Either you come with batteries includes and all the key components already attached, or don't come at all. (I'll write an entire blog about Phat Farm in the future. But to get the gist, you could jump back a few days to What to Expect on Dates). (release two)

And goodbye to being even remotely concerned about the fact that no one is available to go abroad for my birthday. All I wanted was a trip to an island for my thirtieth birthday and so I can have an excuse to have on my bikini and lay in crystal clear waters. Perhaps I'll get married there and then I can convince people who said it was too expensive to come off the dime and go. (release 3)

So Time Out to all of that. It's time for this girl next door to get down to the business of not giving a * about everyone else and anything else. Ice Queen...maybe not. I'm just not built to be that cold. But certainly the cold shoulder is good enough. Time Out!

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